If you are one of those thinking trying out Shadow Tech, you are probably wondering a couple a things about the service. But, I bet the number one thing on your mind is: “Just how bad is the lag?” This is a solid question and one that we will answer right now.
Shadow Data Center Locations
First, let’s find out where the Shadow servers are located so you’ll know how far you’ll be from your Shadow machine. This will give you an idea on your specific lag time since it will be different for everyone. This gameplay seen here is played in the US so I will use the US as the example. Shadow has data centers in Chicago, Dallas, California, and New York. Depending on where you are located will depend on which data center your Shadow machine will be at.

I am located in Ohio so my data center is 5 hours away from me in the Windy City – Chicago. I do have to say, with all the Shadow games I have played, the lag is very minimal for me. Is it minimal enough to play very competitive games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare or Cold War well? Lucky for you because that’s exactly what we are going to test.
Controller Lag Tester

To get a feel for what the lag is over a video, I have to give you a visual on the moment I move my controller versus the response time on your Shadow PC. So I have the Gamepad tester up in the corner from gamepad-tester.com while I play a game on Modern Warfare. Take a look at the gameplay.

As you can see, I actually played well. We lost but they didn’t stop me from getting top marks on my team. Could I have played better? Of course I could have played better, but the controller lag wasn’t bad enough to hinder performance enough for me to do badly.
This test should prove that Shadow can handle playing competitive games like this. So, if you are dying to play high-end games on a rental PC, now is the time to sign up for a service like Shadow. It IS possible to play well on a cloud gaming service like this and here’s the thing, cloud gaming is in its infancy. The technology will only get better with time.
Use the code CLONDPHV to get $5 off your first month with Shadow
Be sure to use the code CLONDPHV to get $5 off your first month with Shadow and see exactly what Shadow can do for your cloud gaming experience. For the latest news, gameplay, and comparisons on Cloud gaming, like and subscribe and stay tuned here at the only place where you can do battle in gaming heaven – Cloud Gaming Battle.