I should have made this awhile ago but I decided to do this now due to our getting started on PS Now video blowing up recently. And yes, as you read correctly, PlayStation stopped the signups for the PS Now service. You can no longer sign up for in on the site. This has been active since April 24.
PlayStation Plus Preparation
This is because they are preparing for the release of the service on PlayStation Plus. They finally decided to give us a message on the migration. If you are a PS Now member, you will roll right into a PS Plus Premium membership. They probably made this cut off so they could migrate the current users over to the new service easily without having to constantly worry about new subscribers.
Removed as a Cart Item

You can see they even removed it as an item from their cart on their website. This “product” doesn’t exist anymore. The migration makes sense and everything but as a developer myself, I would have handled this differently.
So if you’re looking to get PS Now, right now? You’re out of luck. You’ll have to wait until June. We’ll also have to make a new getting started video when the service releases for PS Plus so make sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell to keep on top of everything Cloud gaming including PS Now…Plus. At the only place where you can do battle in gaming heaven.