World War 3 is now a Free to Play shooter that is similar to Battlefield. It is made by developer Farm 51. Since this game is free to play now, more people are going to be jumping on this game than ever before. If you are a cloud gamer running a Shadow PC, you might wonder the best settings to run the game for a smooth FPS experience. Well, sit tight soldier. We got you covered!
World War 3 is a shooter that is similar to Battlefield in many ways. One thing that it lack in, are the graphics. They are not the absolute best, even at Ultra settings compared to a modern Battlefield game. But, graphics look decent, especially for a free to play game. You won’t get any complaints from me.
World War 3 Alpha Release
Default Settings
Let’s check out the settings to make some changes. The first thing to note is the in-game FPS counter in the Advanced tab of the Video settings. This is an awesome feature added into the game. Turn this on and you’ll see the current FPS stats on the right. Now we’ll go back and go to the Video settings and max out the graphics settings. We’ll also set the in-game Frame Rate Limit really high just to see how Shadow performs. We end up at 72 fps in the menu right out the gate.

Let’s start a game to see what we get with these settings. The first game I played was a small indoor Team Deathmatch. As you can see, the FPS is running a great constant rate of around 60 to 75 fps. Now, this is a small indoor match. How does this compare to a bigger match outside?
The next match I played is Tactical Ops aka Conquest mode, things changed a bit. Walking outside with little action didn’t drop FPS. But as soon as the action gets hectic, frame drops do occur. So what settings are best to get a fix for this on Shadow?
Balanced Graphic Settings
I implemented the ‘Balanced’ graphic settings which has a great setting balance for performance and visuals. What is great about this too is that if you have a monitor or TV that goes above 60 Hz, you can utilize frame rates that go over 60 fps. Just make sure to max out your Frame Rate Limit. I have a 144 Hz monitor and Shadow streams this quality well – just as long as you have a great internet connection.
World War 3 Beta Massive Optimizations
The newly set F2P shooter World War 3, just entered their closed beta. We recently made a video on the best settings on for the previous alpha release. Is this update any better than the last release? I received access to the closed beta so I’m curious to see whether it is better or worse this time around. Yes I did have trouble like the rest but I eventually got it. Let’s take a look.
At first look, the game looks exactly the same as it did in the Alpha. Graphics are the similar and gameplay is practically the same. Not that I am complaining. I didn’t expect many changes from the Alpha to the Beta. Let’s check out the settings to see what is different.
Beta Graphic Settings
The first thing to do is always set the max FPS frame limit so we don’t get any limitations. This time the graphics were already set to Balanced, which is a High – Ultra hybrid on default. I ran with these settings out the gate to see where I stood. I also have the Nvidia FPS tracker in the corner.

As I played in various games, I mentioned gameplay and graphics didn’t change much but thing that changed the most was the optimization of the game overall. The FPS has increased almost 10-20% in almost every instance. Check out the FPS comparison between the alpha and the beta on the same maps.

Overall, I’m glad they were able to optimize this game even further to maximize FPS to get this to perform as well as it does now. This now plays very well on Shadow at 1080p. It’s not perfect but you shouldn’t need to mess with the settings at all if your Shadow machine is identical to mine.
Needed Game Improvements
What this game really needs is sound overhaul. The first assault rifle you get sounds like it’s suppressed even when it’s not. Punchier sounds would make this game more immersive. But this is a development issue and not a Shadow problem.
Other than the sound, WW3 has improved greatly and playing on Shadow at an almost constant 60 fps at high to ultra settings is doable. WW3 has a great chance of being great competition to Battlefield 2042. If they play their cards right on full release, players might be moving over to WW3 especially since it’s slated to be free.
We’ll be keeping an eye on WW3 pretty closely. They need to put in some work but I think they might be able to pull off something great. Hopefully, they’ll be able to do a full release on multiple cloud gaming platforms since the game is free. Until then, make sure to like the video and subscribe right here at the only place where you can battle in gaming heaven – Cloud Gaming Battle.