Let’s talk. I’m sure you all heard about the news about Stadia. Jade Raymond is out and they are eliminating internal developer jobs so that only third party game developers can utilize the Stadia technology.
It is the End for Stadia?

Now many people think that this is the end. There are a ton of channels talking about how they saw this coming a mile away. I don’t blame them, I really don’t. The way Google handled Stadia’s launch was abysmal to say the least. The technology wasn’t ready to be launched, the game prices were at full price if not more because they’re on Google, and you had to purchase the game even if you already had it for another system which was stupid especially for PC gamers. So I can see exactly why the haters are hating.
In my honest opinion, this move by Google is something that should have been done from the beginning. They should have launched stadia like this at the beginning with no internal game team. They should have been focusing on getting current gamers onto their platform through any means necessary. Sell their service at a low cost for gamers to test out their system and get as many people subscribed as possible to promote Stadia and cloud gaming altogether.
I’ve said this before and I will say it again, Stadia has everything it needs to be the worlds greatest performing cloud gaming platform. For god sake it’s google! They are not lacking any resources they need to get this done.
In that same sense they are failing because they are greedy. No more, no less. I do not know who it was in the marketing and sales department who decided to go in the direction they went for launch, but this is the reason for their initial failure – not the technology. There is plenty of videos on this channel supporting how well Stadia and how well it plays. We get 4K resolution at 50 to 60 frames per second constantly. This includes playing games with other cloud gaming services running on the same network.

I see this whole move by Google as a new humble approach to gaming. They are finally getting their act together and eliminating the things that definitely do not work and getting in line with what the consumer wants. Just because they are Google doesn’t mean the consumer is going to just buy whatever they produce. They are finally realizing this.
Google Keeping their promise to Stadia
If anything, these actions go in line with what our before you buy Stadia video states with the Google Director of games Jack Buser said in an interview regarding the future of Stadia.
400 games in development with 200 different developers
If this message is still where Stadia is headed, then this all makes sense. If you have over 200 developers making games for your platform, there is no need to have an internal game development studio. Make way for all the other developers to make your games for you.
There has been more requests for popular third party games then any game that Stadia has even thought of coming out with. And as I said before, the free to play games including Destiny 2 and the most hopeful anticipated game to come to Stadia free to play – Call of Duty Warzone. If Stadia focused more on these type of games, the platform would explode since all you need is a browser and a controller to play almost anywhere you go.
The End of Cloud Gaming?
Even if this might be the end of Stadia, this is not the end of cloud gaming. Cloud gaming is the future whether people like it or not. Making high end gaming affordable for everyone including people who cannot afford a high-end gaming system will use cloud gaming as the alternative.
Cloud gaming is also the bridge from counsel gaming to PC gaming. If everyone moved to cloud gaming, there would be no limitations on game developers. Everything would be running on high end systems so games like Cyberpunk 2077 would have been an amazing game at launch. Plus there would be no delays because of software and hardware compatibility because people didn’t have the most up to date systems to run the game on.

Hopefully Jack Buser wasn’t lying about the game development that we should see more of later this year. Will be looking forward to see if Google comes through with their promises and delivers more to the Stadia platform.
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