I got Batman Arkham Knight running on Shadow PC. I just got finished watching the DC Fandome with the new Batman trailers for the movie and Gotham Knights so I figured I would try Arkham Knight out on my Shadow PC. What I ended up doing is giving the Shadow PC a test and benchmarking the game with the hardware that is running the Shadow PC.
Shadow PC Graphics Settings
This specific Shadow PC is using an NVIDIA Quadro P5000 which can handle a lot but still not better than the NVIDIA RTX 2080 which is what the GeForce Now systems are running.

As you can see, I am changing all the graphics settings to the max to see how well this 6 year old game performs. Now I am going to run the in-game video benchmark test to get our overall FPS. Take a look.
At 4K max, it’s not bad. I tested it out in combat. I choose a map that had a lot of moving parts and a bunch of characters to see how smooth the flowing combat would be. Be sure to check it out in the video.
4K Benchmark

The game played well but I wasn’t completely satisfied. There were some audio hiccups and frame drops occurred as more guys warped into the room which can hinder gameplay. So I tried lowering the specs to 1440p and giving it another go in combat on the same map. Check it out. You could say it plays well at 2.5k. If you are interested in the benchmark, here it is.
2.5K Benchmark

As you can see, the average is above 60 FPS. This is optimal for gameplay and I recommend playing at these graphic settings on a Shadow PC.
That ends the benchmark and test of Batman Arkham Knight on Shadow. Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to subscribe to get the latest news and gameplay on cloud gaming on at Cloud Gaming Battle.