I got to playing Borderlands 3 on the free weekend they had starting August the 7 – 10th and decided to play it on various different Cloud Gaming platforms so I could see how well it would hold up. I played Borderlands 3 primarily on Stadia for the whole weekend. I tried playing it on iPhone as well through my Shadow PC. All these ways of playing the games went really well. We’ll dive into each aspect.
Starting with Stadia on Desktop
First I started playing Borderlands 3 on Stadia with my desktop computer so I could enjoy the game full HD on a 60 inch TV screen. The game runs well and is beautiful. Say what you want about how the exclusivity is bad on Stadia. One thing they really come through with is how well the game streams to the player. Everything is smooth 99.5% of the time with very little interruptions once you have a good internet connection. My desktop is wired connected so I was running at optimal speeds.
So after playing the game on my desktop, I wanted to know how well things went when I streamed it on my Shadow PC. We call this Cloud on Cloud Gaming where we play a game on a Cloud Gaming service THROUGH another Cloud gaming service like Shadow Tech.

Checkout my random encounter with a Hammerlock Legendary Hunt see how well Stadia held up to the gameplay playing through my Shadow PC.
As I was doing some missions, I came across this unexpected Legendary Hunt. I was unprepared to say the least. I got down to the last round in my shotgun to kill all the phases of this boss. Had plenty of fun along the way and got plenty of Legendary loot for the kills.
I was pretty impressed how well this game ran on Stadia through my Shadow PC. The delay through both services was VERY minimal and extremely playable. This made me think of other ways to play this on other devices and platforms. I instantly thought of playing this on my iPhone.
Playing Borderlands 3 on my iPhone
I was going to put my Shadow PC to the test. I installed the Shadow app to my iPhone and setup my Xbox Controller to sync up with it so I could play with what I am familiar with.
The virtual controller is built in to the app but not so good for FPS games.
If you want to learn more about how Shadow Tech works and how to get setup, feel free to checkout this video which explains how the Shadow PC works with your iPhone.
So I run Borderlands 3 on Stadia once again through the Shadow app on my iPhone to give this a real cross-platform test. I still am pretty amazed how well this all works. I was able to play like normal as I ran some missions and ran some bandits over. My accuracy was also tight due to the Xbox Controller being used as my preferred method of gaming input.
If you are unfamiliar with the Xbox controller, it is Bluetooth compatible so it can sync up with you iPhone, iPad, and Android devices easily. Learn more below.
Microsoft Xbox Wireless Controller + Wireless Adapter
Probably the standard in video game controllers. The Xbox One controller has been viewed as one of the most renown controllers in the gaming world. Microsoft updated this version of their Xbox controller from the 360 controller and made some ergonomic changes to make this one of the best game controllers in history. Connects with USB dongle to PC, Xbox, and Android with Bluetooth.

The Borderlands 3 Stadia gameplay through Shadow was a wonderful learning experience on how well cloud gaming systems hold up to the industry standards. As time goes on, I can see Cloud Gaming technologies being the standard for all video game platforms. Gaming with no hardware where you can game anywhere there is a decent internet connection is the future. Mark my works.
If you are interested in the full gameplay of Borderland 3 on Stadia with an iPhone, check the video out below.
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